We’re a secure directory of WIC Offices and Primarily WIC Grocery Stores throughout Texas. Whether you’re a mother looking for a convenient place to shop for WIC groceries or a potential WIC client interested in joining the program, we’ve here to help you find the information you need.
Texas WIC is a nutrition assistance program helps babies, children and pregnant and nursing mothers. The program provides education, counseling and free nutritious food benefits for mothers and their babies up to age 5. Benefits include baby food, formula, speciality baby formula, fruits, vegetables, milk and more!
Texas WIC food benefits can be redeemed at Traditional grocery stores (TWIC) and Primarily WIC (PWIC) stores, where a majority of the stocked items are WIC-approved.
PWIC stores help make getting groceries home even easier. They are not affiliated with WIC, but the stores are often located near WIC clinics to help make it convenient to shop for WIC groceries.
Click below to find a WIC Clinic or a Predominantly WIC Grocery Store near you.